Producer logo problems in 4.0.18 10847 and VirtueMart 4.0.20 10849

Started by Maurizio67, May 07, 2023, 22:49:08 PM

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I just noticed that the producer logo in the product page isn't visible anymore. Is now replaced by the "noimage.gif" placeholder.

It seems that the logo points to the typeless instead of pointing to the real logo image.
(please see image)

Can please someone help me to have back my website correctly working?


Joomla 4.3.1
VirtueMart 4.0.20 10849


Problem solved by Virtueplanet identifying a modification connected to the pointing method to the manufacturer, changed in rel. 4.0.18 10847 and adapting the template.
Thank you Jumbo...
I close the topic.