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strange global change on return from /administrator/includes/admin.php

Started by petr999, December 06, 2005, 16:16:25 PM

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Dear Friends!
I did throrough check before post this.
I don't mind why global $PHPSHOP_LANG gots truncated on exit from mosLoadAdminModule(). It doesn't contain the additional properties when exiting to administrator/templates/mambo_admin_blue/index.php
So, the Webmoney payment doesn't work since it is available on Russian only.
So I added this to the end of mosLoadAdminModule:
  if( $name == 'toolbar' ) {
    return $PHPSHOP_LANG;
and modified administrator/templates/mambo_admin_blue/index.php this way:
$PHPSHOP_LANG=mosLoadAdminModule( 'toolbar' );
and this did the job. But it is very dirty solution..
PS. i am really sure it is the case. I checked this with echo()' debugging.
PPS. VM-1.0.1, mambo-, PHP-4.4.1
PPPS. Just sorry if FAQ...