Product list is empty, but Front-End shows old products. HOW TO CLEAN?

Started by Alvis74, February 01, 2017, 08:51:45 AM

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I have been using sample data from template (sample product list).
After restoring data using Akeeba Backup, the old products and categories has been lost (for me this is not a problem, anyway I should remove).
So I have created new product group a first product, but when I check this in Front-End I have found, that old product still on the list. When trying to see details about old product - they are missing, but product still in Front-End.
I have try to clean cash on Joomle - this do not help.
Also I have try to change Theme, but the old product was in new theme too.


Best regards


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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