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HELP needed asap, VM Cart not working at all suddenly

Started by yellow83, November 02, 2016, 07:13:39 AM

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Hi, yhe site is using Joomla 3.6.4, VM 3.0.18, PHP 5.6, MYSQL 5.5. With last Joomla and VM updates started these problems.
When user goes to cart, there is not choices to register or buy without registering. There is only user and password fields. If user logs in and fills her/his address, Cart does not show shipping methods / payment method. Before these worked fine. I'm using Flexible CleanMart as VM theme but the problem is not in that, I tested with VM default theme too. Settings for user registration are all right in VM and Joomla.
I don't know what to do:/

VM debug shows this at cart... I don't understand any of this but does it help anyone who does?

vmdebug PHP 5.4
vmdebug Show All Errors
vmdebug LangCount: 1 $siteLang: fi-FI self::$vmlangSef: fi self::$_jpConfig->lang fi_fi DefLang fi_fi
vmdebug vmTime: time to load config: 0.0161030292510986
vmdebug Start used Ram 11.5M
vmdebug getVendorId normal shopper
vmdebug Going to set pw fields unrequired
vmdebug Created new Calculator Instance
vmdebug my item with empty $link["view"] Var1:

stdClass Object
    [id] => 85
    [menutype] => Muut-tuotteet
    [title] => Dupenny - muut tuotteet
    [alias] => dupenny-muut-tuotteet
    [note] =>
    [path] => dupenny-muut-tuotteet
    [link] => index.php?option=com_virtuemart
    [type] => component
    [published] => 1
    [parent_id] => 1
    [level] => 1
    [component_id] => 10001
    [checked_out] => 0
    [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
    [browserNav] => 0
    [access] => 1
    [img] =>
    [template_style_id] => 0
    [params] => {"product_id":"","category_id":76,"flypage":"","page":"","page_title":"","show_page_title":1,"pageclass_sfx":"","menu_image":"","secure":0,"show_page_heading":0}
    [lft] => 55
    [rgt] => 56
    [home] => 0
    [language] => *
    [client_id] => 0


vmdebug vmTime: Time consumed for shipment/payment plugins: 0.114574909210205
vmdebug Active Mainvendor
vmdebug End used Ram 25M
vmdebug Peak memory peak 25M
vmdebug vmTime: vm view Finished task : 0.370262145996094
vmError: $link["view"] is empty


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