New Install - VirtueMart3.0.9_Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package

Started by tbarlow, July 03, 2015, 23:28:59 PM

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Hi all I just did a new fresh install of  VirtueMart3.0.9_Joomla_2.5.28-Stable-Full_Package and I got the error below when I log into the back end how do I go about fixeing this thanks


Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'norad1new.nor1n_virtuemart_orderstates' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM `nor1n_virtuemart_orderstates` order by `ordering`
vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'norad1new.nor1n_virtuemart_orders' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS o.*, o.order_number AS order_name , as order_email,pm.payment_name AS payment_method FROM nor1n_virtuemart_orders as o LEFT JOIN nor1n_virtuemart_order_userinfos as u ON u.virtuemart_order_id = o.virtuemart_order_id AND u.address_type="BT" LEFT JOIN nor1n_virtuemart_paymentmethods_ as pm ON o.virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = pm.virtuemart_paymentmethod_id ORDER BY created_on DESC LIMIT 0, 30
vmError: Warning, the Safe Path is empty, for safety reasons it is very important to create a folder in a path not accessible by an URL or unguessable name, create also a folder 'invoices' and 'keys' in it to store your sensitive data secure. Our suggested path is for your system '/user/homepages/norad1/vmfiles/'.
You can also use complex folder name as 'password' for example '/user/homepages/norad1/new/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/2JBk8OHClgoV/'. Use this link to the config
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data

and when I log into the frount end main site I get this

Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'norad1new.nor1n_virtuemart_products' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT p.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `nor1n_virtuemart_products` as p INNER JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_products_` as l using (`virtuemart_product_id`) LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` as ps ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `ps`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_product_prices` as pp ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pp.`virtuemart_product_id` WHERE ( ( `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "0" OR `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL ) AND p.`product_special`="1" AND p.`published`="1" ) group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY RAND() ASC LIMIT 0, 3
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'norad1new.nor1n_virtuemart_products' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT p.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `nor1n_virtuemart_products` as p INNER JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_products_` as l using (`virtuemart_product_id`) LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` as ps ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `ps`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_product_prices` as pp ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = pp.`virtuemart_product_id` WHERE ( ( `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "0" OR `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL ) AND p.`product_special`="1" AND p.`published`="1" ) group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY RAND() ASC LIMIT 0, 2
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
vmError: exeSortSearchListQuery Table 'norad1new.nor1n_virtuemart_manufacturers' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `m`.*,`nor1n_virtuemart_manufacturers_`.*, mc.`mf_category_name` ,mmex.virtuemart_media_id FROM `nor1n_virtuemart_manufacturers` as m INNER JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_manufacturers_` USING (`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`) LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_manufacturercategories_` AS mc on mc.`virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id`= `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturercategories_id` LEFT JOIN `nor1n_virtuemart_manufacturer_medias` as mmex ON `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id`= mmex.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` WHERE `m`.`published` = 1 GROUP BY `m`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` ORDER BY mf_name ASC
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data
Copy failed
vmError: Serious error, config file could not be filled with data