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New field in category - virtuemart administration

Started by Vratislav Dlabaja, April 10, 2015, 13:05:03 PM

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Vratislav Dlabaja

Hi i created a virtuemart category field:

frontent read this data from DB correcty

But how I must config administrator?

I created column category_description_2 in MYSQL

In: /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/views/category/tmpl/edit_categoryform.php
I add this: <?php echo VmHTML::row('editor','COM_VIRTUEMART_DESCRIPTION_2','category_description_2',$this->category->category_description_2); ?>

But where I must go if i need select this data from DB and put it to this field in admin?
Which files? Thank you for answer.

Vratislav Dlabaja

I have it ;-) If somebody need this solution there is:

You must go to: /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/tables/categories.php
in: class TableCategories extends VmTable {

add this line somewhere
var $category_description_2      = '';




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