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Custom Field Type drop down not working

Started by Niko, April 02, 2015, 18:06:35 PM

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Sorry if this has been posted on another thread, cannot find it using search, and I did try.

Using Joomla 3.4.1 and VM

In products, I add or edit a product, and then I goto the Custom Fields tab and click on the Custom Field Type: Select an Option dropdown, and nothing happens. On Chrome, a "javascript:void0" notice appears on the bottom right (status), and on IE, nothing happens.

Any idea on what is possibly wrong??

Thank you in advanced

GJC Web Design

Have you some custom fields set up in the Custom Fields management?
GJC Web Design
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Using Joomla 3.4.1 and VM
I have the same problem! In admin product edit page when I select a type of custom fields, no custom fields are added, guess it is ajax issue!


QuoteUsing Joomla 3.4.1 and VM
I have the same problem! In admin product edit page when I select a type of custom fields, no custom fields are added, guess it is ajax issue!

IMPORTANT: I guess the problem shows up only when trying to insert custom fileds created with versions before/earlier than VM
Instead it adds custom fields normally when  custom fields are created with VM


Embarrassingly, I did not add Custom Fields before going to the product. My Bad