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Virtuemart admin media upload not working

Started by athan, February 10, 2016, 12:43:49 PM

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I've read this article but didn't help.
So the issue is that when I'm trying to upload an image to a product and Save or Save & Close I get blank page,
the product has successfully been created, but without an image. Also form media -> upload nothing happens.

In local server everything works fine, but not on live server.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!

Local (my laptop)
PHP 5.6.8
Web Server Apache/2.4.12
Joomla! 3.4.8 Stable
EXIF Support    enabled
Output Buffering    On
Folder permissions    All Writable

Live server (cpanel 54.0.7)
PHP 5.4.35
Web Server Apache/2.2.29
Joomla! 3.4.8 Stable
EXIF Support    enabled
Output Buffering    Off
Folder permissions    All Writable



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