VM 3.0.4 - product images not showing in front-end though visible in back-end

Started by stawebnice, February 02, 2015, 10:34:36 AM

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please help. I have eshop with VM 3.0.4, Joomla 3.3.6 and I uploaded products and media using csv import. I uploaded the files and set them 644 rights for files and 755 for folders. Images show in back end, when I go through the products list (http://imtp.me/8z4g02lj3) and in product settings (http://imtp.me/8z4h02lj3) but when I go to product page in front-end , I get this: http://www.autohm.all4outdoor.cz/eshop/kurty-pasy-gumy/kurty/kurta-3t-delka-4m
on category layout it

I enabled all jquery options in templates tab of Virtuemart settings and cleared cache, no change
I also installed JQuery Easy and Safe JQuery plugins, but nothing works...please advise, what is wrong...


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