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Dropdown pricing with several price options

Started by gofer123, November 29, 2014, 00:48:13 AM

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Hi all,
I'm real close but not quite right after viewing this vid:
I've got a product that will have 2 prices depending on size but the version in the vid is 2.6 and I'm running VM 3.0 and they look slightly different in the setup so I'm not quite there.
Can someone put me out of my misery please.

VirtueMart 3.0
Joomla! 3.3.6
PHP 5.3.13


OK, I think I figured it out by using Custom Fields - string etc
It displays with Selection boxes, I have at $270.00 (small box) and another at $540.00 (large box) Ex tax (15%)  but I view the product pages, the small box price is $493.04 and the large $986.09 !! Can't find the problem, anybody got any suggetions?
VirtueMart 3.0
Joomla! 3.3.6
PHP 5.3.13


I've fixed it, just deleted the custom fields associated with that product and started again, working well.


Got the same Problem here. I the customer to choose the size of his pack and used custom field to create "4 pieces" "6 pieces" etc. The Price that is calculated is the price of the pack but with one single price added. For example Single Price: 10€, Price 4-pieces-box: 40€. The price in the cart will be 500€ :-( Deleted the fields and remade them again with no success. Use Virtuemart 3.0.0 and joomla 2.5.27. I also tried to use "=400" in the "price" field but it deletes the = and set the value to 0.000000 :-(
Thanks in advance


I have attached screen shots of the product in question, hope it helps you.
N.B. the site is VM 3.0

[attachment cleanup by admin]


I have a similar situation. I have a product that comes in 4 varieties, each with their own price. I completed the custom fields section, but what do I enter in the main product price field? Ideally it should be zero, but then the price doesn't show up on my page.

If I leave the default product price, every time I choose an option from my drop down, it adds that price to the default.

Hope you understand what I'm trying to do.

Using VM2.511
Canadian newbie using Joomla! 2.5.11, VirtueMart 2.0.26, with just a few questions...


If you follow the settings in my attached images it should work.


Sorry, that didn't work. I did find this:
This worked well and calculated the price of each choice.

However, the prices are visible in the drop down (which I don't want).

Anyone know how to turn that off?
Canadian newbie using Joomla! 2.5.11, VirtueMart 2.0.26, with just a few questions...