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SOLVED. Terms of service links to homepage

Started by blokarter, October 03, 2014, 10:54:21 AM

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I am very new to Virtuemart and this is only my third question. I have received great help with my last two so I hope someone can assist with this one.

I thought I had completed a site for a friend this week.
It is based on Joomla 2.5.25 and Virtuemart 2.6.10
The template is Horme from

The whole thing is working fine except we have noticed that in the cart view the option to click on the link to read Terms of service link to the site homepage.

I have read several possible solutions on this forum but none have worked for me.
I tried creating a template override with the file default.php found in /components/com_virtuemart/views/cart/tmpl but it made the cart blank.

I can see the file mentioned above has reference to

If I enter this into the address bar it take me to the TOS page.
I have included this secion of the default.php to show what I mean.

Has anyone any idea what I have done wrong?

                     <label for="tosAccepted">

                        <a href="<?php JRoute::_ ('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=vendor&layout=tos&virtuemart_vendor_id=1', FALSE) ?>" class="terms-of-service" id="terms-of-service" rel="facebox"


                           <span class="vmicon vm2-termsofservice-icon"></span>

                           <?php echo JText::_ ('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_TOS_READ_AND_ACCEPTED'); ?>



Spiros Petrakis

Hi blokarter,

thank you for choosing one of my templates for your project.
First i would like to inform you that i have a public forum in my website dedicated to Horme template and you can post there any issues you have and you believe that might concern the template.

As for your current issue with TOS please provide a link to the website so i can check it and help you resolve it.

Joomla templates and extensions development


A big thank you to Spyros Petrakis for his help.
He solved the issue via PM.

It was a jquery issue.
I needed to disable a module jQuery setting.