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changing other payment Methods text

Started by dellvostro, November 09, 2007, 21:14:06 PM

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Id like to change :other Payment Methods PayPal" to just read Continue Purchase or Pay by Credit Card.
Reason being, We are using paypal, and they let you use paypal account or major credit card without forcing customer to sign up with paypal. Im a bit worried just having a "other Payment Methods PayPal" will give customer the impression we only accept paypal payments when thats not necessarily true. So how and where can I change this text in frontend when customer is checking out and choosing payment method?


Hi there.

I would like to know of you have solved this issue?  I need to tweak the site to let them know to hit the 'continue' button to pay by card.  I have had a few issues with punters emailing saying they dont have a paypal account.

Any help?


Adrian, I too want to change the text and dodn't know where.  So here's an easy alternative.  Rename the Paypal payment module as follows: "Credit card or Paypal (Paypal is our credit card processor and you need not be a member in order to process your card through them.)"     That stopped the questions from users!