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Translate order update status email and invoice

Started by giacid, May 27, 2014, 13:11:04 PM

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Hi there,

I m using joomla 2.5.20 and vm 2.6 updated. There is a major issue that i cannot find a solution. We have a multilingual site -two languages, greek and english. When someone buy a product in greek or english language, a confirmation email is sent to the client in the appropriate language-depending on the order language. However, when the admin updates the order status and chooses to inform the client by email about that, the email is sent in the default backend language and not it the order language. This is cleary a major bug and problem for multilingual shops that needs to be resolved. The order status update email must be sent in the language that the client bought its product and not in the default administrator language, because in this way there in no multilingual shop.
I m looking forward for your response or any solution, as this is of great disadvantage for a generally speaking great eshop platform.


I've just tested that on my bilingual german/english shop with Joomla 2.5.20 and VM 2.6.4. Changing the order status and clicking 'Notify customer' and 'Save' does send the order status change emails in the correct language. Maybe something in your Joomla or VM multilanguage configuration is not configured correctly. Does your Joomla multilanguage status report show all green icons?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Yes everything is green..Everything work great in the multilangual shop ecxept this factor i mentioned..
So you made an order in German, received an email confirmation in german, and when updated your order status, the email was still in german?? And if so, if you do the same procedure in english, you receive and update order status email in english? What is the default administrator language? I have tested this in vm 2.0.26 and 2.6, and is still an issue on my website..


Quote from: giacid on May 29, 2014, 09:16:10 AM
So you made an order in German, received an email confirmation in german, and when updated your order status, the email was still in german?? And if so, if you do the same procedure in english, you receive and update order status email in english? What is the default administrator language?

My default site language is German and in the backend I use English as the default language. English orders receive english language status emails and german orders receive german status emails. Do your order status(es) look like the attached screenshot? If you updated from pretty old VM versions, it might help if you go to the order status configuration and save each one again.

[attachment cleanup by admin]
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thank you very much for your help..I figured out that this problem is related to vp one page chechout plugin. When i do a chechout without it, everything works just fine..When i enable the plugin, everything goes wrong, and the order language is not stored for the update email...


Quote from: giacid on May 30, 2014, 10:12:08 AM
When i enable the plugin, everything goes wrong, and the order language is not stored for the update email...
Maybe you just have to update the OPC plugin?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?