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Blank Page on VM 2.6 checkout - alatak_sips_vm2 v1.6

Started by lliseil, May 13, 2014, 12:17:47 PM

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I got a Blank Page consistently displayed at checkout page (Confirm Order) with Atos SIPS payement.
What amazes me is that it worked the day before (with Demonstration and PRE-Production).

Sorry to open a new thread, I've checked many similar ones and tried the actions with no result atm (check out blank page, White Screen of Death).

Debug : Virtuemart and Joomla set to maximum:
"Strict Standards" warnings, and that's it, no other.

Memory limit is at 128MB which souhld be fine to dfisplay the CB Choice page

Server logs
Blank pages causes in Joomla are usually identified by looking at the server logs.
My bad, I could see no information beside the Error 500. Maybe someone would be more performant and see more?
<IP> - - [12/May/2014:09:29:40 +0200] "POST <URL>/panier/confirm HTTP/1.1" 500 20 "<SITE>/panier" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) ...
<IP> - - [12/May/2014:10:03:47 +0200] "POST <URL>/panier/confirm HTTP/1.1" 500 20 "<SITE>/panier" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) ...

- PHP   : 5.4.24 (memory limit 128 MB)
- MySQL   : 5.5.32
- Virtuemart 2.6.0
- Joomla 2.5.19
- plugin alatak_sips_vm2 v1.6

- Blank page on /cart/confirm when confirming order?;wap2
- Topic: [Solved] Is VM2 the right product for me?
- How to deal with a Joomla White Screen of Death
- A thread solved is a thread [SOLVED]! (a memo for myself)


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum



There is an incompatibility between SIPS and VirtueMart 2.6.0.
You can solve your problem either:
- download the latest version of SIPS
- update to VirtueMart 2.6.2