upgraded to 2.6.0 - problem with slug generation for greek language

Started by liotropi, April 27, 2014, 19:54:14 PM

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I have been searching all day for this but haven't found anything.
Before the upgrade slug generator was working perfectly. Now its acting weird & don't know what to do.

If I create a product & save it, the slug generator doesn't show it in greek in the backend (shows this - %CE%B8%CE%B1) but its ok in the front end. I can handle that but if I save again it changes the encoding (I guess) & the url is something like this  ce-b8-ce-b1-ce-bc-ce-b5-cf-84-cf-81-ce-b5 (both BE & FE).

The only way I can get the right url in the FE is if the Product Alias is empty during the last save.

I read a post about a similar problem but there were no answers. The person posting mentioned something about the language setting in the BE (I always use english). So I tried switching to greek - now i get the greek product name but in latin characters. Weird ...

Any help will be greatly appreciated  :)

VM 2.6.0
Joomla! 2.5.16
PHP Version 5.3.27


turned on debug language & found this

loaded : JROOT/language/el-GR/el-GR.com_virtuemart.ini
not loaded  : JROOT/language/el-gr/el-gr.com_virtuemart.ini

I am assuming this is a typo
can anyone tell me where to look for this
VM 2.6.0
Joomla! 2.5.16
PHP Version 5.3.27


VM 2.6.0
Joomla! 2.5.16
PHP Version 5.3.27