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Enter final Price and calculate price before VAT

Started by marcschuhmacher, April 15, 2014, 18:15:09 PM

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this seem to be a very basic question, but I have not found the answer in any forum so far:-(

All I am trying to do is to enter the final price (customer price including VAT) and VM2 would calculate the price excl VAT.
This way I could display an nice round/markeing final price for the customer and an odd price for the price without VAT.

Unfortunatley I can only make it work the other way round:-( (like you can enter the base price and the result will be an odd final price for the customer)

Please help


Most retailers think of price before VAT for entry into systems. 

So, working forward from an ex VAT price entry tends to be the norm.

I would suggest you resort to a calculator or spreadsheet.

Just for those in the world that don't do this calc I get to play teacher for 10 seconds  :o

Take the final price and just divide by 1+(vat-rate/100)


final price = 120
vat 20%
ex vat = 120/1.20



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1



I fully agree with what was mention about retailers. And the math of course ;)
But when it comes to the end customer... he only cares about the Final Price, since this is what he hast to pay in the end. (at least in Europe)
And for the customer you want to have a nice round price or marketing price like (Euro 99,-) and the customer does not at all care about the odd number before tax.

So as a marketier you would alway start from a endcustomer price including tax. According to your approach I would start from the customer priceh and thenI would have to calculate the price before tax, enter this odd number in VM which would then hopefully calculate the correct end customer price (if no rounding issues...;-()
Everytime I adjust the price I would have to go through this procedure.

Really, there must be an easier way

Please, help

K&K media production

you can enter the final price, activate the "calculate cost price" checkbox and save your product ... vm will calculate the cost price for you



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1


HI thank you, that helps.

Funny though that there are some rounding errors in the Final Price, but since these roundings are below cents, it not matter to much.

Thanks again :)


Glad to know the core functionality meets your needs  8)

Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1