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Database errors when migrating products

Started by stevenoliver, May 09, 2012, 00:43:35 AM

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I currently have a live site running joomla 1.5.25 and VM1.1.9.
I have set up a new installation in a different location running joomla 2.5.4 and VM2.0.6.  The install all went fine and I can view the site.

I am now trying to migrate my VM product data from my live site to my new site.
I have copied the manufacturer, product, vendor and category images from my live site to the new site.
I have exported all the VM tables from my live site and imported them into my new sites database.

When do the migration i get the following errors

Start with a new migration process and setup log maxScriptTime 239 maxMemoryLimit 242
Synchronized 906 media for product in directory images/stories/virtuemart/product/
Synchronized 114 media for category in directory images/stories/virtuemart/category/
Synchronized 15 media for manufacturer in directory images/stories/virtuemart/manufacturer/
Synchronized 3 media for vendor in directory images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/
Synchronized 0 media for forSale in directory
Processed 0 vm1 shoppergroups time: 2.14576721191E-6
Developer notice, tried to update vendor xref should not appear in singlestore
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 0 categories
No categories to import
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 0 manufacturer categories
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 0 manufacturers
Worked on migration for 3.69944906235 seconds
Migration finished
Info: portUsers getMigrationProgress shoppergroups
Info: vendor 1 Stored
Info: Migration: 0 products processed
Info: Migration: 0 orders processed 0 done.
vmError: VmTableData Sef Alias in record is missing ! Can't save the record with no Sef Alias.
vmError: port Products db error Table 'soliver_jmln4.jml_vm_product' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT *,`p`.product_id as product_id FROM `jml_vm_product` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `jml_vm_product_price` ON `jml_vm_product_price`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN `jml_vm_product_mf_xref` ON `jml_vm_product_mf_xref`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE (`p`.product_id) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `p`.product_id ORDER BY `p`.product_parent_id LIMIT 0,1000
vmError: port Products db error SELECT *,`p`.product_id as product_id FROM `#__vm_product` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `#__vm_product_price` ON `#__vm_product_price`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN `#__vm_product_mf_xref` ON `#__vm_product_mf_xref`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE (`p`.product_id) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `p`.product_id ORDER BY `p`.product_parent_id LIMIT 0,1000
vmError: port Orders db error Table 'soliver_jmln4.jml_vm_orders' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2`,`o`.order_id FROM `jml_vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `jml_vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `jml_virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE (o2.order_number) IS NULL ORDER BY o.order_id LIMIT 0,1000
vmError: port Orders db error SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2`,`o`.order_id FROM `#__vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE (o2.order_number) IS NULL ORDER BY o.order_id LIMIT 0,1000


I have solved this now.

I had to make sure the name prefix of thr columns from my old database matched the prefix on the new columns


stevenoliver, can you explain to us how you fixed this?


Hello mates

I am having the same problem when trying to update... Nothing is migrated from the old database tables to the new ones. I get this error:

Processed 0 vm1 shoppergroups time: 5.00679016113E-6
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 0 categories
No categories to import
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 0 manufacturer categories
Looks everything worked correct, migrated 0 manufacturers
Worked on migration for 3.15758609772 seconds
Migration finished
vmError: forSale Path/Url is not set correct :
vmError: VmTable #__virtuemart_vendors_es_es Check not passed. Neither slug nor obligatory value at vendor_store_name for auto slug creation is given
vmError: port Products db error Table 'UpgMythosDiego2.ri59m_vm_product' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT *,`p`.product_id as product_id FROM `ri59m_vm_product` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `ri59m_vm_product_price` ON `ri59m_vm_product_price`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN `ri59m_vm_product_mf_xref` ON `ri59m_vm_product_mf_xref`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE (`p`.product_id) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `p`.product_id ORDER BY `p`.product_parent_id LIMIT 0,1000
vmError: port Products db error SELECT *,`p`.product_id as product_id FROM `#__vm_product` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `#__vm_product_price` ON `#__vm_product_price`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` LEFT JOIN `#__vm_product_mf_xref` ON `#__vm_product_mf_xref`.`product_id` = `p`.`product_id` WHERE (`p`.product_id) IS NOT NULL GROUP BY `p`.product_id ORDER BY `p`.product_parent_id LIMIT 0,1000
vmError: port Orders db error Table 'UpgMythosDiego2.ri59m_vm_orders' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2`,`o`.order_id FROM `ri59m_vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ri59m_vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `ri59m_virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE (o2.order_number) IS NULL ORDER BY o.order_id LIMIT 0,1000
vmError: port Orders db error SELECT `o`.*, `op`.*, `o`.`order_number` as `vm1_order_number`, `o2`.`order_number` as `nr2`,`o`.order_id FROM `#__vm_orders` as `o` LEFT OUTER JOIN `#__vm_order_payment` as `op` ON `op`.`order_id` = `o`.`order_id` LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_orders` as `o2` ON `o2`.`order_number` = `o`.`order_number` WHERE (o2.order_number) IS NULL ORDER BY o.order_id LIMIT 0,1000
Info: portUsers getMigrationProgress shoppergroups
Info: vendor 0 Stored
Info: Migration: 0 products processed
Info: Migration: 0 orders processed 0 done.

I have hundreds of categories in the old installation, a lot of vendors, products and orders, etc....... What could be happening? I do not understand what steven was saying he did to solve his issue..

Can anyone advice? Thanks!


Solutions to issues like this will provide a HUGE benefit to the community, I imagine. That way, those of us who experience the same issue will not have to resurrect old threads.

I can start a new one, as well... unless there is a solution to this that is known.



Joomla 4.4.5
php 8.1