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OpenGlobal VirtueMart Upload Custom Field

Started by jschuurkes, February 13, 2014, 15:41:03 PM

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Yesterday I've bought the OpenGlobal VirtueMart Upload Custom Field plugin and I installed it in my Virtuemart environment.
I'm using Joomla! 2.5.17 Stable [ Ember ] 18-December-2013 14:30 GMT and Virtuemart 2.0.18a.

After making an order in Virtuemart with the option that I can upload an Image in the shopping cart, the image is nicely uploaded to my upload image directory and
also shown on the virtuemart order (within Virtuemart), however on the invoice  the path to the image is not correct.
The image in the Virtuemart internal order has the following path : <img src=" directory.JPG" alt="FTP directory.JPG">
As you can see the virtuemart order 991a013 is included in the image path.

However on the PDF invoice the image is not displayed or attached to the invoice email, as it should do according to the manual.
The invoice shows the following information:

Foto/Logo upload: 1
Foto/Logo upload: FTP directory.JPG
Foto/Logo upload: /home/bakkertje/domains/
Foto/Logo upload: /home/bakkertje/domains/
Foto/Logo upload:images/stories/virtuemart/uploads
Foto/Logo upload: 52fcb29cd68a9
Foto/Logo upload: JPG

I'm using ARTIO VM invoice for creating the PDF invoices.

I hope that somebody can help me.
I will attach some screenshots.


Jack Schuurkes

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