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Don't know where to change the code

Started by DomenFras, January 28, 2014, 01:45:27 AM

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can someone please help me with an idea where can I change next code.

<div id="product_details_featured">
               <div id="product_details_txt">
                  <a href="/index.php/virtuemart/virtuemart-pages/shop-front-page/brez-glutena/ajdova-moka-detail" title="Ajdova moka" class="product-details">Details</a>               </div>

I would like to change Details into other language. I already checked under all ini's file and I can't find it.

Pls help.

If you would like to see the code on the page - here is the link to the page:

Thank you

Mod edit:  impatient bump message removed. Please read



does someone have any ideas where I can change that Details word. I would also like to know if there is a way how to find out in which files in joomla some code is written ... for ex. if I check it with developer tool ... i mean the page and i see the code like one above ... is there a way to know where this code is written in which folder ... thank you


That is a commercial template and it looks like it is already using language overrides. In the default VirtueMart template the text there is "Product details" and the associated constant is COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DETAILS   - so that may what you need to override.

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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