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VM1 to VM2: Porting of Product Reviews missing

Started by mbarry, January 16, 2014, 06:33:42 AM

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VM 2.0.26a/d
Joomla 2.5.17

      Run the VM2 Migration tool with "everything" selected".
      The product reviews and ratings gathered in the VM1 shop are not ported to VM2.
      For large VM1 shops, these tables could hold a significant amount of data and would be very time consuming/error prone to recreate in VM2.
      A new function portVm1Ratings() has been created and included in helpers/migrator.php
      Call function from migrateAllInOne() after line 208 as $result = $this->portVm1Ratings()

      install.sql is also modified to include new entry " `ratings` longblob, "  in Table `#__virtuemart_migration_oldtonew_ids`
      function saveRating() in models/ratings.php was modified to support vm1 to vm2 migration process where the $data['lastip'] should already exist
      line 266 change
          $data['lastip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
          if(empty($data['lastip'])) {
                $data['lastip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

Affected files:
      administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/migrator.php  line 208 and 2167
      administrator/components/com_virturemart/install/install.sql  line 424 
      administrator/components/com_virturemart/models/ratings.php   line 266

code snip for portVm1Ratings()

    * Port VM1 Product reviews
    * Assumes userId is maintained between VM1 and VM2 which they will be if JUpgrade is used
    * @author M. Barry
   public function portVm1Ratings() {
      if($this->_stop || (microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){
      vmInfo('Migration: processing product ratings ..... ');
      $alreadyKnownIds = $this->getMigrationProgress('ratings');
      $alreadyProcessed = count($alreadyKnownIds);
      $completionStatus = false;
      $i = 0;

      $q = 'SELECT `pr`.`review_id`, `pr`.`product_id`, `pr`.`userid`, `pr`.`user_rating`, `pr`.`comment`, `pr`.`time`, `pr`.`published`, `pv`.`lastip` FROM `#__vm_product_reviews` AS pr
      JOIN  `#__vm_product_votes` AS pv
      WHERE `pr`.`product_id` = `pv`.`product_id`';
      $reviews = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
      $maxItems = count($reviews);
      if (empty($reviews)) {
         vmWarn('portVm1Ratings : No VM1 product reviews exist');
      foreach ($reviews as $review) {
         if(array_key_exists($review['review_id'],$alreadyKnownIds)) {
         $productIdMapping = $this->getMigrationProgress('products');
         $parentProductId = $productIdMapping[$review['product_id']];
         if(empty($parentProductId)) {
            vmError('portVm1Ratings : product could not be found ID '.$review['product_id']);
         // Migration process should ensure VM2 userId is identical to VM1 userId if JUpgrade is used to migrate the VM1 tables to VM2         
         $q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_user_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_vmusers` WHERE `#__virtuemart_vmusers`.`virtuemart_user_id`= "'.$review['userid'].'"';
         $userId = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if(empty($userId)) {
            vmError('portVm1Ratings : User does not exist ID '.$userId);
         $data['virtuemart_product_id'] = $parentProductId;
         $data['created_by'] = $userId;
         $data['created_on'] = $this->_changeToStamp($review['time']);
         $data['vote'] = $review['user_rating'];
         $data['lastip'] = $review['lastip'];
         $data['comment'] = $review['comment'];
         $data['published'] = $review['published'];
         $model = VmModel::getModel ('ratings');
         $errors = $model->getErrors ();
         if(!empty($error)) {
            vmError ('portVm1Rating : '.$error);
         $alreadyKnownIds[$review['review_id']] = (int) $parentProductId;
         if((microtime(true)-$this->starttime) >= ($this->maxScriptTime)){
      vmInfo('Migration: '.$i.' product reviews processed this run, already processed '.$alreadyProcessed.' of '.$maxItems);
      if(($alreadyProcessed+$i) == $maxItems) $completionStatus = true;
      return $completionStatus;