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Get 500 (Internal Server Error) after changing language (both front- and backen)

Started by t68, December 27, 2013, 18:55:08 PM

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Got a totally fresh VM 2.0.26 and 2.5.17 install I´m trying to set up from scratch. But I run into trouble when I try to install Swedish language on it.
I have installed the default joomla languagepack for swedish on the main joomla install. I have downloaded and unpacked the swedish language pack for VM2 and manually copied the frontend files to: /language/sv-SE/ and the admin files to administrator/language/sv-SE/.

But when I activate Swedish for front- and backend i get an 500 (internal server error) when i browse to shop frontend and in the backend I get this error one some pages while some work ok.

Have tried clearing cache and switching templates but the problem prevails.

Thank´s for any help with this!


Update: after adding swedish as option for multilingual shop it seems to work. But this seems a bit weird though. I run another VM install where swedish works without having to activate this option (I just run swedish as joomla default language for frontend and backend).
Any thoughts on this?


I'm not shure, but maybe you had this problem because you didn't use the Joomla Extension Manager to install the swedish VirtueMart language pack (the same you use to install a component or plugin), so Joomla didn't recognize it. If you just copy the language files into it's folders, I think the swedish language VM2 database tables won't be created automatically.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thanks for your reply! You're probably right. Tried installing the Swedish VM language with the joomla install. But got a error message saying the installation file was outdated (or something like that, cannot remember the exact words), so then I moved the files manually with ftp.

So do you think the right tables has been created now by activating the multilingual setting? Can I  deactivate and it will still work?

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


If you use only Swedish on your website, you don't need to activate VM multilanguage. VM2 should pick the Joomla default site language as the primary VM language. If you add a new product, check with phpMyAdmin or a similar tool if the product information is stored in the correct xxxxx_virtuemart_products_sv_se table.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?