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Started by Eternity, January 03, 2014, 21:13:20 PM

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This is my SECOND post for the same problem, the first one is now 4 days old and I have had NO help :(

I have read all the previous posts, many of which have gone unanswered, and I have read through the VM Wiki but there is NO answer that I have found where it tells you SIMPLY how to configure the paypal plugin to REDIRECT to a specific page of the website AFTER payment has been completed by the user.  I know this is possible with paypal because I have used paypal on various sites which actually do this, but I am not sure it is possible with VM and paypal.

Could someone please give me simple instructions on WHERE I put in the URL I want to redirect to after paypal payment is completed?

Thank you.

PLEASE can I have help??


Quote from: Eternity on January 03, 2014, 21:13:20 PM
This is my SECOND post for the same problem, the first one is now 4 days old and I have had NO help :(
"Please Help!!!" is not a good question. The chance to receive a reply is better if you ask a precise question like "WHERE I put in the URL I want to redirect to after paypal payment is completed?" in the forum subject.

Also we need to know which PayPal product you want to use and which VM2 version you are using.

If you want to use the PayPal 'Standard' product, you don't have to enter an url to which the customer is redirected. Some explanations (and links) are here:
Another one, not entirely up to date, but nevertheless an understandable explanation:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Well, my first post, which STILL has NO response has the subject of "Help Please - Configure Redirect - Urgent" ... and I am using the standard Vm-Paypal payment that comes with VM, on VM2.0.14 ... I HAVE to be able to configure that clients go to a specific page after completing payment, so if I need to use another paypal plugin please tell me this too.  At the moment, after payment is made the client is 'stuck' at the paypal page and has to physically click back or type in the url of the site again.

I have read through posts but no one has actually told anyone how or where to get this to work, so I am left to believe that it is not possible with VM and that I should suggest using another shopping cart?


The automatic redirection perfectly works in my own shop and others. You or your client may try if it helps to set the url to redirect to in your client's paypal account. It is somewhere in the profile - website settings, but normally this is not required when using the Standard PayPal.

I suppose your problem is the old VirtueMart 2.0.14 version you are using. Last fall PayPal discontinued support for the HTTP 1.0 protocol and now requires HTTP 1.1.
See this forum thread:
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I am trying to get the VM updated to the latest release, it's giving me an error though... but my point is that I need the client to be taken to a specific page after paying, and I don't know where to configure this or how to get it to do this?



PayPal is a very common payment ption and works usually without any problems. Has this never worked, or has its stopped working ?

Have You read the link JJK sent You ? Which Joomla and which VM are You using ?

I suppose your problem is the old VirtueMart 2.0.14 version you are using. Last fall PayPal discontinued support for the HTTP 1.0 protocol and now requires HTTP 1.1.
See this forum thread:


Jörgen @ Kreativ Fotografi

Joomla 3.9.18
Virtuemart 3.4.x
Olympiantheme Hera (customized)
This reflects current status when viewing old post.


Hi Jorgen

This is the first time I have actually tried to set up the redirect, on all the other sites I have VM using PayPal I haven't bothered, but this person specifically needs it to go to another page where the client has to chose their next step.

Its on VM2.0.14 which I am trying to get updated currently, it keeps giving me errors.

And the Joomla is V2.5.7

So far it has never worked.


Quote from: Eternity on January 04, 2014, 12:55:54 PM
Its on VM2.0.14 which I am trying to get updated currently, it keeps giving me errors.
I would recommend to update to Joomla 2.5.17 and VM 2.0.26a (last but not least for security reasons)
After updating VM2 it probably would be a good idea to go to delete the old PayPal Payment method from the 'Shop > Payment Methods' list and configure a new PayPal payment method to make shure all old PayPal configuration settings are deleted. Then go to 'Tools & and Migration' and click on 'Install or if necessary update tables' and also go to 'virtuemart-aio' in the Joomla Components menu and click on 'Update VM Plugin tables', too.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Ok I will do this, will this allow me to set a specific page for people to go back to?


Quote from: Eternity on January 04, 2014, 13:41:36 PM
Ok I will do this, will this allow me to set a specific page for people to go back to?

I'm not shure if that's possible with the PayPal 'Standard' payment method. Available PayPal options are not identical in every country. One of the VM developers (currently on vacation) will probably reply to this on Monday or Tuesday...

Do you want to redirect to a VM2 shop page or to a third party url?
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


I need it to redirect to a page on the shop website, but it is not a VM page, it is an article page.


If you are using a VM 2.0.14, change this line in the file plugins/vmpayment/paypal/paypal.php
"return" => substr(JURI::root(false,''),0,-1) . JROUTE::_( 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginresponsereceived&on=' . $order['details']['BT']->order_number . '&pm=' . $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getInt('Itemid'), false),

On the latest version of Virtuemart (2.0.26a), Paypal plugin uses templates for all the output, and u can use the template overidding


I am currently awaiting super user access to the site from the owner so that I can upgrade the VM ... but I will make a note of this and try it.  So basically you are saying that it is definately possible to go to a specific screen after the payment has been done?



Yes, if you use the template overwriting you need in your case to rewrite this view:


Awesome!!! I am going to upgrade the VM and if I get stuck I will be back ... thank you to everyone who has helped!