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[solved] cart empty after upgrade

Started by bilbaxo, November 22, 2013, 18:06:04 PM

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I migrate frome version 1 to 2 without specific problem.
I have actually the 2.0.20b version of virtuemat and the 1.5.26 version of joomla :
several problems :
When people put something in the cart, nothin appear... I have made all the trials with query and aothers without success.

When I try to install others carts : mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX_current or mod_virtuemart_quickcart_pro_j15v01, I have errors message :  some old composants of virtuemart 1 are installed and ... failed :
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /homez.50/iosfr/www/modules/mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX/mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX.php on line 73
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /homez.50/iosfr/www/modules/mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX/mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX.php on line 76
Attention : vous avez des extensions actives pour une ancienne version de VirtueMart. Désinstallez-les ou désactivez-les.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mm_showMyFileName() in /homez.50/iosfr/www/modules/mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX/mod_vm_s5_column_cart_AJAX.php on line 70

and when i try to update virtuemart to the last version, the install of virtuemat is ok but the install of virtuemart aio fail and it doen'work at all.
Any help somebody
you can test at
Thank's for any help

Maxim Pishnyak

2. What 3rd party extensions do you have for VM1?
3. Screen shot of fail?
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Please update Joomla to 2.5.16 and then look for errors
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


I don't think it is a query problem because nor plg_jqueryeasy nor others tools solve it.
I think that the tables of virtuemart were corrupted when I upgrade from v1 to v2 and it is why the upgrade to the last version of virtuemart aio fail.
I can't upgrade joomla to v2 ou v3 now. I have too much composants to upgrade : I wait for a functionnal tool to do it. I tried before without succes and too much problems.
Is there a tool to check the integrity of virtuemart tables ?

Maxim Pishnyak

Quote from: bilbaxo on November 26, 2013, 11:40:01 AM
I can't upgrade joomla to v2 ou v3 now.
VM for v3 isn't ready. Pay attention to Instruments in VM, pls. You had problems, but you doesn't provide details for your specific probs that you had.
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I solve the problem and my diagnostic was good :
I had a problem with the tables of virtuemat : I solve it in réinstalling the com_virtuemart.2.0.20a.tar.gz and the com_virtuemart.2.0.20a_ext_aio.tar.gz
I had a problem with query : I choose these options :
Utiliser le CSS de VirtueMart   yes
Utiliser jQuery de VirtueMart   no
Utiliser les scripts du produit   yes
Utiliser le Script Ajax pays/régions   yes
Utilisation de la bibliothèque externe jQuery de Google   yes
Thank's all anyway