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Confirm email to manufacter

Started by marcolettieri, September 27, 2013, 12:31:53 PM

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I want to send the confermation email to manufacter too.
I found the solution for Virtuemart 1.* but no for 2.*, the ps_checkout doesn't exist more.

This is the solution i found:

Quote$dbmfid = new ps_DB;

            $qmfid = "SELECT manufacturer_id ";
            $qmfid .= "FROM #__{vm}_product_mf_xref WHERE product_id='".$dboi->f("product_id")."'";

            $man_id = $dbmfid->f("manufacturer_id");     
            $dbmfmail = new ps_DB;

            $qmf = "SELECT mf_email ";
            $qmf .= "FROM #__{vm}_manufacturer WHERE manufacturer_id='".$dbmf->f("manufacturer_id")."'";

            $man_mail = $dbmf->f("mf_email");
            $elenco_mail = $elenco_mail + $man_mail + ",";

$vendor_mail = vmMail( $shopper_email, $shopper_name, $elenco_mail, $vendor_subject, $vendor_mail_Body, $vendor_mail_AltBody, true, null, null, $EmbeddedImages);

how can i do this, where is the new file?

Maxim Pishnyak

Did you try forum search button to find how email function in VM2 is working?
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