Unable to save the shipment method - Shipment method not shown!

Started by pfratz, September 21, 2013, 13:36:21 PM

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Hallo i have a major issue. When the shopper selects VIEW CART then in view_Cart page the shipment method is not selected if the user is not registered. When you choose select shipment, it asks the shopper to choose a shipment method but no options are given. Then it sayw that no shipment methods are defined. This is in checkout step 2.

I have racked my brains. What shall i do in order to show the shipment method. I have already defined many methods according to weight, all my products have weight. nothing!

I also have installed per_product plugin! NOTHING! If the user is not registered it shows nothing! It's very frustrating! I am disgruntled!!!!

Please help!!!!!!!!!!


If you have specified a country in your shipping method then shipping cannot show until the shopper has registered and entered their country - which must match that of your shipment methods.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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