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Call for price options

Started by nickwiebe, September 09, 2013, 18:22:04 PM

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I want to have a price showing, like a retail price and have it crossed out and then the call for price button available.  Does anybody know how to make this happen?

Maxim Pishnyak

Firstly you need to modify code in default_showprices.php
if ($this->product->prices['salesPrice']<=0 and VmConfig::get ('askprice', 1) and isset($this->product->images[0]) and !$this->product->images[0]->file_is_downloadable) {
<a class="ask-a-question bold" href="<?php echo $this->askquestion_url ?>"><?php echo JText::('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_ASKPRICE'?></a>
} else {
if ($this->showBasePrice) {
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv ('basePrice''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE'$this->product->prices);
if (round($this->product->prices['basePrice'],$this->currency->_priceConfig['basePriceVariant'][1]) != $this->product->prices['basePriceVariant']) {
echo $this->currency->createPriceDiv ('basePriceVariant''COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_BASEPRICE_VARIANT'$this->product->prices);

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