Can someone please tell me how to downgrade to version 2.0.8e!??

Started by Mega Guillen, July 16, 2013, 03:42:09 AM

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Mega Guillen

I am having some big issues with with the new version of virtuemart 2.0.22a.
I Cannot find any posts that will thoroughly explain to me how to downgrade back to version 2.0.8e.

I am dying here. My site template is completely screwed up. and the prices on my products are completely wiped.

This is a major issue for me and my site is completely down.

I am a complete dumbo when it comes to this stuff but i am doing my best to learn as hard as i can.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone would tell me exactly what i need to do to get my site back to normal in simple terms.

Thank you so much for your time,



Do you did not have a site backup? That's the best way to handle this.

I don't know if it is possible to revert to such an old version, as there are database changes which would have to be undone. In any case versions before 2.0.10 have known security issues.

Make a backup of the site, get a copy of VM2.0.8e and try to install that using Joomla's extensions manager. Another way would be to unpack 2.0.8e and ftp the files ro replace the VM files. Somehow I doubt if either of these will work.

My approach would be to rebuild the template overrides to bring them up to date for current versions - try renaming the overrides directory first to see if you get a good enough layout or workable layout using the VM default templates. The directory will be at [your-joomla-template]/html/com_virtuemart/  - just rename the com_virtuemart bit so it gets ignored.

Lack of product prices is most likely due to an incorrect shopper group assignment for which there is an SQL fix.

In future you should always test any update first on a backup copy -

Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Mega Guillen

Jenkinhill thank you for your speedy reply.

Quote from: jenkinhill on July 16, 2013, 10:42:30 AM
Do you did not have a site backup? That's the best way to handle this.

I do in akeeba backup although i cannot understand how i am supposed to revert back using my backup files. (what good is backing up if i don't know how to use it...haaah...)

So after reading your reply i think it may be best if i was to just move forward with the site and try to rebuild the template overrides and all that. So starting with the SQL fix.

Quote from: jenkinhill on July 16, 2013, 10:42:30 AM

Lack of product prices is most likely due to an incorrect shopper group assignment for which there is an SQL fix.

How would i go about doing this.
i think this is priority to make the prices show up again for non users.

So where do i go and what do i need to do to get this working again?

Quote from: jenkinhill on July 16, 2013, 10:42:30 AM

My approach would be to rebuild the template overrides to bring them up to date for current versions - try renaming the overrides directory first to see if you get a good enough layout or workable layout using the VM default templates. The directory will be at [your-joomla-template]/html/com_virtuemart/  - just rename the com_virtuemart bit so it gets ignored.

Would you mind explaining this more thoroughly for me so i can understand exactly where to go to do this. like i said Im really ill educated when it comes to this computer code language...

Thank you soo much Jenkinhill for your support,


Mega Guillen


Ok so i have downloaded my akeeba backup file from the 14th of july (sunday) my site went sour on monday the 15th.

Now if i was to use my backup file to restore my site, will I still have database issues?

or is this a complete revert?

Thank you,


That should revert to the site as it was when you backed it up. I assume that was before you tried the update so unless the db issue was there before it will be gone. That would be the best approach.  Then use that same backup file to make a copy of the site (maybe in a subdirectory) to try the update. Then you don't screw the live site.

Restoring Akeeba backups is covered here:
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum

Mega Guillen