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anyone know anything about YT Framework and VM version 2.0.20b

Started by kellym62, June 28, 2013, 19:40:05 PM

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I have this template which uses the yt framework and after installing VM version 2.0.20b  none of the save and close or cancel buttons  seem to be working on anything, cannot save categories, or configuration when I try to add my safe-path and click save nothing happens, so I've gone through all the plugins and it seems if I shut off this YT framework the buttons work but my site goes down on the front end, really confusing, I should have started with this framework but it's too late now and my client like the site, I have also setup another virtuemart template to have a store linked to the main site until I can figure this out but on that store template I need to figure out how to link the logo back to my main site as well as the home button which doesn't allow me to use external links, what a mess, I apologize but can anyone PLEASE help me!! I would really appreciate any help or direction with this,

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!  for your time and consideration,



Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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