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Order management strange behaviour (maybe)?

Started by padalec, May 07, 2015, 22:14:56 PM

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I have a custom developed PAYMENT PLUGIN for a payment gateway.

When someone orders a product and successfully pays (Via payment gateway) the order in backend seems like this:

Why at the left the order status says CONFIRMED and why at the right shows PENDING. I am asking because this order won't trigger the email for the order? Is this a custom payment plugin misconfiguration?

This example shows a standard order with deafult payment by Virtuemart:

Order status at the left matches order status at the right.

Any ideas?

Best regards.

VirtueMart 3.0.8
Joomla! 3.4.1 



I did some in-depth research into the DB and code.

I see in the code when the order is processed (or finalised) by the CUSTOM PAYMENT PLUGIN at the end it modifies order status in _VIRTUEMART_ORDERS table.


It doesn't change the ORDER STATUS in the table _VIRTUEMART_ORDER_HISTORIES.

I think it should also change _virtuemart_order_histories table ?

Am I right?

Best regards



The research goes on ... it may be that the function  "notifyCustomer" is missing.  LINK:

Can a VM pro show me where this function is implemented? Which files I need to look at? (i need an example on standard vm payment plugins)

Best reegard