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Payflow Pro Plugin

Started by richdean77, July 19, 2012, 12:44:18 PM

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Hi there I was wondering if somebody could direct me in the right direction, my client has requested that all payments go through Payflow Pro, I thought there would be some sort of plugin to accommodate this, I am using Virtuemart 2.

Is there anywhere I can purchase this gateway from?


Have you had any luck with this as i am presented with the same problem?  Thanks


This company is bogas.  I paid for the plugin and paid for installation service and after 3 weeks they still cannot get it working. In IMOP they did not do anything... they kept sending me a bunch of crap reports and asking me to test this and test that which always resulted in the same original error. 

I have a file modify tracker on my site so I know within seconds of a file being modified and never once were their files modified.  They just sent me on a three week long goose chase.  These people do not respond to ticket requests.... they just spin you a bunch of crap and hope you will by it.