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Configuration Of Paypal

Started by mfbrowne, April 23, 2013, 16:39:30 PM

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I have been struggling with the configuration of PayPal payments. I have gone through the configuration multiple time and I believe all is ok, but when I test a payment I keep getting a shipment error from paypal.

The error I am getting is as follows:

Please review your shipping address
This merchant requires us to use the shipping address you entered on the merchant site, and there's a problem with that address. Please go back to the site to change the address.

So I have checked the address, it is valid, yet I continue to get this error.
Now I do not see anywhere where there is a configuration definition of verifying the shipping address. I would expect that the billing address would be verified as a person could pay and ship the product to some other address, but nowhere does it ask me that.

So I am at a loss at this point to know what to look for or what to do to fix this problem and would sure appreciate some assistance.

I have set a sandbox account in the paypal configuration and set the sandbox switch to checked. I set the debug to on and this is what I am getting in the log files.

2013-04-23 13:31:30
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 5da3015

2013-04-23 14:10:16
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 2ce5016

2013-04-23 14:26:49
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 6ac5017

I am using VM 2, Joomla! 2.5.9, PHP 5.2.17





Can anyone help me in this issue. On the other hand is there any other place I could find help on this as I am at a standstill right now trying to get this to work.




I have the same issue!
A client add the shipment address but when someone hits the confirm order button I get the same error that merchant site address is wrong. I think its because the the city,the state and zip code are showing on the same line.
Its something like this:
Name Lastname
Address 1
City,State Zipcode

When it has to looks like this:
Name Lastname
Address 1
State Zipcode

PLEASE SOMEONE HELP my site is please check it out and let us know if someone can help


Has anyone figured out the solution, I'm having the same problem.