Recommend email - sender's address mixed with receiver's in output email.

Started by syntalk, March 20, 2013, 16:24:46 PM

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Hi All,

Not sure if this has been reported or solved but I was trying to find the solution for two days with no luck.
Joomla! version    2.5.9
VM. 2.0.20b ( same on 2.0.18a but I updated it today to check)
When sending "recommend to friend" mail - friend receives an email like this:

subject: friend@email recommend you : product

Hello sender@email

rest of the email.

I think it should be:

subject: sender@email recommend you : product

Hello friend@email

rest of the email.

Basically email addresses are swapped.

I found that in /sitewww/components/com_virtuemart/views/recommend/view.html.php line 152 was:
$this->subject = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_RECOMMEND_PRODUCT',$recipient, $this->product->product_name);
I changed to
$this->subject = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_RECOMMEND_PRODUCT',$this->user['email'], $this->product->product_name);

It worked for the senders email in subject (when logged) at least but couldn't figure out the "Hello" then I got this disabled and could live with it. It also worked in 2.0.18a.

Same trick doesn't work in the latest version. I get PHP error in components/com_virtuemart/views/recommend/view.html.php line 1

Is there any fix for this?

Thank you