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Custom, customer text input breaks Add to Cart

Started by jackevans81, May 28, 2013, 11:39:46 AM

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Hi All,

I have a client who has reported an unusual problem with there virtuemart install.

When using the "Custom, customer text input" within a page the add to cart button fails to work.

I initially thought this could be some kind of jquery conflict, but have tried numerous configurations and ways of loading jquery to no avail.

I assume the plugin its self loads in some kind of java which is conflicting somewhere, can anybody think of a fix for this?

You can view an example of the product page here:

Its running joomla 1.5.26 and virtuemart 2.0.20b.

It is worth mentioning too that when I handed the website over to the client this issue did not exist. So perhaps something has changed when she has updated the virtuemart version.

Any advice or help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,


Mark J

Did you find a solution to this?

I have the issue in that add to cart disappears when use the customer text function on the featured page.




Mark J, do you run on the outdated version, he mentioned (the post is quite old).

You say "featured page". Add to cart in the category browse views work in vm2 only if you have a custom prototype per product. Usually you create one custom prototype and just reuse it for any products. In vm3 the add to cart button in the category browse view is native and the customfields work as expected.

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