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New & strange bug

Started by luisch125, February 08, 2013, 20:35:05 PM

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So, I finally fixed everything wrong, and finally I did some tests, bought a few products. Everything was fine.

But suddenly, all my prices are shown wrong, and I don't know why. I even reinstalled virtuemart (2.0.18), but the prices are still wrong. However, if I add a product to the cart, The price is the right one...
One more thing, all prices are the original price with tax plus 1'21 € exactly. And as I said, when you add something to the cart, the price is shown correctly there...  :o

I have no clue about what is happening...


I did this: On configuration, tab pricing, I activated all prices to be seen on product detail. I have found that there is 1'00 € before the 21% tax. That's why I have all prices with that extra 1'21 €. Looking into that 1'00 € with firebug I found that it is inside the class "PricevariantModification". It is shown when "Baseprice modificator" is active on that configuration/pricing tab.

So, there it is my problem. Where that extra euro came from? it wasn't there before. How can I remove it? and why is it there but dissapears on the cart? What use does it have then?

Please, Can anyone help me?

Peter Pillen

isn't the price altered by custom fields? Pricevariantmodification makes me think of a custom field value that has a different price setting.


There is no custom field that adds that euro. In fact, this is only happening the last two weeks. And I'm working on this web several months. And that euro is not in the checkout page. When you check the cart, the prices are shown correctly. That's what I can't understand...

Peter Pillen

hmmm... it must come from somewhere.

Maybe... briefly test your site with the beez template to exclude your webshop template as a possible problem.

In your case I would start to check via phpmyadmin directly in your database if you don't find any link to that 1 euro. Secondly doublecheck your payment, shipping, customer groups that there is no possible "1" found that adds an taxable "1" for ordering items. Finally maybe re-upload some core files to be sure that everything concerning calculation there is done correct.


I already checked default template and those other possibilities. I even changed calculationh.php from an older version. But that euro remains. I can't think of anything that could be responsible for that euro to appear. If I knew where that "baseprice modificator" can be... And why is added only on product details but not when you buy the product...


have you looked in the calculation rules?


Yes, I did. I just have a 21% tax (it works as it should) and a 6€ charge on shipment (working fine, aswell). I have no more calculation rules. Is there any other place to look for? This is really frustrating...

Edit: I think the key is this: This extra 1€ is only in the product detail page, and in the category view, but it doesn't get to the cart. When you add a product, the price is the right one. Wich files should I check besides de product details and calculationh.php?


I am quite sure it is a template override.
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As I said, it happens with the default template aswell. I even reinstalled the 2.0.18 version, over itself...