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Website blank after upgrade from 2.0.6a to 2.0.18a

Started by naturefit, March 11, 2013, 10:03:38 AM

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Joomla version: Joomla! 2.5.4
Upgrade from Virtuemart Installed version 2.0.6a to version 2.0.18a.

My website from the front end went completely blank.

My host has restored website to last Wed 6th March. They restored to  'public_html' folder and renamed most recent public_html files  as "/home/magnesiu/public_html_org/".

They tell me I have to now copy over each file individually. Which is extreme but if I have to do it I have to do it.

My question is - Does anyone know why this happened and if there is a simpler way?

Thank you!


Never update a live site! Try on a backup first.

So having used Akeeba to make a backup copy update it to the current version (now 2.0.20) using Joomla's extensions installer - the preferred way, as  it sounds as if your server does not have enough resources to use the inbuilt live updater. Once updated you may have to rebuild any template overrides you use. Info for changes to VM output are listed in the live update info, available at

Once tested on the backup you can apply the backup to the live site.

BTW your Joomla version is also out of date with nown security issues. Suggest you update that to 2.5.9
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thanks jenkinhill.

I will give that a try.

I found the most current version you refer to here Do I need to install both and

Thank you!


Thank you jenkinhill. That seems to have rectified most of the website. Really appreciate your help.

Just need to fix some formatting issues.

Does anyone know which file I can copy that controls the:
- the category view -
- the product view -
- currencies as seen top right here along with welcome visitor?

Thank you!


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you. I'll check it out.

My host gave me these two error logs. I am wondering does anyone recognise these as the cause of the issue perhaps?

[Tue Mar 12 00:06:47 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/magnesiu/public_html/modules/mod_nivoslider/scripts, referer:
[Tue Mar 12 00:06:47 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/magnesiu/public_html/404.shtml, referer:


The first is that a files in your nivoslider module cannot be found (that is not a VirtueMart supplied module).
the second is that a 404 (not found error) document has not been set up in Joomla so does not exist.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Ok thanks again.

I have been in contact with template monster. As it turns out this template is only made for VM version 2.0.6 (plus Joomla 2.5.4) and upgrading will break the template - which it did! I cant understand this but will worry about it later.

It was suggested that I uninstall VM 2.0.20 and reinstall 2.0.6.

Events thus far are:

After VM upgrade and site broke, host had found backup from 6th march and restored site.
public_html = Backup 6th March
public_html_org = 11th March Website

I was advised to manually install VM 2.0.20. So moved back public_html_org to public_html. This fixed most things except the issues with category view etc listed on this original post.
public_html = 11th March Website
public_html_restored6march = Backup 6th March

After that I learned from templatemonster that I need to uninstall VM 2.0.20 and reinstall 2.0.6 (template compatible version).

Before continuing I wanted to check what the earlier version of VM was installed.

So reinstated public_html_restored6march as public_html and this website looks back to normal.
public_html = Backup 6th March
public_html_org = 11th March Website

Does anyone know what happened and how this can be?

Thank you!


You should not use VM2.0.6. All versions earlier than 2.0.10 are considered to be insecure so you are being told to make your site so that it has known security issues. Template Monster should provide updated overrides as when you buy a product you are entitled to support.

We cannot help with commercial templates here.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum