SEF URL's giving a 404 error after 2.0.18a upgrade

Started by billo007, January 28, 2013, 21:34:04 PM

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Joomla 2.5.8 virtuemart 2.0.18a

Everything was working fine sef was turned on in joomla configuration. Out of no where SEF is now giving 404 not found for every product. Have 2 sites on different domains 1 gives 404 errors the other one still works fine with sef url's, anybody have any ideas?

I have tried to backtrack to the date where it worked fine seems that it was jan22 the only changes I have done since jan22 is upgrade virtuemart to 2.0.18a is it possible that something in the upgrade went wrong is their any way to downgrade or re install update?


Hi all,

I am having the same problem. i don't know if it was after the installation of 2.0.18a but i am using the same version with joomla 2.5.9 it could be after the update of joomla from 2.5.8 to 2.5.9 as well....

Here you can see what is happening:

Anyone got an idea?


Probably a javascript conflict. Your site is loading 3 different versions of jquery. One is from Googleapis (can be disabled in VM configuration), one is loaded by your template and the Virtuemart jquery. Make shure you load only one version. Personally I do prefer to use the Virtuemart jquery, because this is what new versions of VM have been tested with.

BTW - Stuffing your links with keywords won't give you a better ranking in the search engines. Short ones are better.
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Thanks jjk, i will look into the jquery.

about the keywords: The words are the product names from the pricelists i get from my supplier. originally there where slashes and stuff in it which i converted. i am putting in my products automatically using a tool i made myself. it is not my intention to put in so many words, but it is just how suppliers give them to me.

thanks again.


I just found out what the problem was for me: since i was uploading products directly to the database, i forgot to remove points, commas and colons in the alias.  :-[


Quote from: Stannite on February 23, 2013, 10:23:38 AM
...i am putting in my products automatically using a tool i made myself.

Maybe the free CSVI extension (available in the Joomla extension directory) would work better (I suppose it strips commas, etc. automatically).
Non-English Shops: Are your language files up to date?


Have you tried removing/unpublishing non-essential shop related menu-items in your menu module?
This fixed a multitude of problems for me.
I removed an extra cart link and just left the one in the modal popup and the redirects started working for me.

Hope that helps.