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Solved: Manually ordering products

Started by Gipa, January 06, 2013, 13:44:06 PM

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I would like to manually set the sort order of every product.
I have trawled through the forum and found a lot of threads about this, but I'm none the wiser...

It appears that I am supposed to have a row in the product list for sort order? Is that correct?
I don't...

I have a sort order column in the category list, but not in the product list. Is this an error or is there something I can do about it?

Really hope you can help - I need the products in a specific order...

:)     Rie


Ok, I stumpled upon the solution.     :D

If anyone else needs it, you just have to filter your productlist to only show 1 category. Then the ordering arrows will turn up. (Clever way to do it, once you figure out where it is.)

:)    Rie


Could you elaborate on this? I go into products and select a category and the up down arrows are still gray. All of the numbers in the boxes were at 0 so starting with 0 I numbered them in the order I want them to appear and clicked the save (disc icon at the top of the column) then the page reloaded and populated the numbered boxes with random seeming numbers and the up down arrows now light up.

Problem is it had no effect on the ordering in the front end and clicking on the up down arrows reloads the page each time but does not reorder the products.

Using version 2.0.18a



I'm not sure about the grey arrows - mine are blue.    ???

But go to Configuration -> Configuration -> Product Order Settings, and choose "Ordering" under "Default product order setting.
This makes the site sort the products according to the order field.

Now when you filter products after category and then add numbers to each product, it does not change the order in backend, but it works in front end. At least for me...     ;)

Hope this helps.     :)

:)    Rie


Huge help, thanks Gipa

I had initially missed that not only do you need to select Ordering by using the checkbox but also need to select it in the dropdown box at the top to set it for the default.



Oh, by the way I found out what to do with grey arrows: Give the product a number. Once it has a number, it gets a blue arrow.

(And as for the last sentence of my last reply: You can of course sort products by their order numbers in backend - just click the headline in that column...)

:)    Rie