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Can't Save any Admin-Config Settings

Started by robert, December 23, 2012, 03:51:10 AM

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Ive recently followed the instructions

Everything seemed to have gone well, except for some reason every time I try to save any of the config settings ie: "Enable database Update tools" or "Safe Path "  it redirects me to a blank white page.

with not being able to save any of those settings I cannot use any of the tools including the "Data migration from VirtueMart 1.1.x to VirtueMart 2.y.z ".

Does anyone know what the issue could be?

Is there a file that may have a base url that may not have been written correctly or something? I have about 3 other VM sites on the same server so I know its not a server issue.

Any help would greatly be appreciated


Addition: What seems to be happening is when I attempt to save or apply any changes "?option=com_virtuemart&view=config#" is removed from the url after saving/applying

it should return to "" but instead it returns the url ""


Hello Robert,
which version do you use? a blank screen is a fatal error, please change your error report settings, so that we can see this error
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Probably You try to save config under User that is not shop owner.
Try to use superadmin that is also a vendor of vm shop
p.s. Do not forget to change message icon to Solved.


I've upgraded the joomla core for this site to 1.5.26 and many of the issues were resolved - except 1 last issue. (VM 2.0.14)

The last issue is to resolve "No Shop Currency defined!"  the Save or Apply features still doesnt work when I attempt to save anything on "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editshop"

One thing thats different about this install is "Shopper Number / ID: " is blank - is there a way to use phpmyadmin to manually insert this?


Quote from: sadrem on December 23, 2012, 11:40:56 AM
Probably You try to save config under User that is not shop owner.
Try to use superadmin that is also a vendor of vm shop

I agree, just cant figure out how to get things sync'd - Ive tried a few suggestions. -

Im going to try to follow the suggestions here next


While I was following these instructions:

    I had created a new Super User that I wanted to use as the Vendor
    Made sure that the new Super User was assigned a Shopping Number/ID in VM2
    Disabled myself as Vendor (I was the original Super User, and first one to config VM2 ... which kept reverting back to me for Shop Vendor, no matter what I did)
    Then in VM Cpanel > Shop > Shop > Additional Information I changed the Shopper Number/ID to the new User's one

I ran into the same blank page when using Joomla core to add a super admin, the blank white page appeared but the user was still created. I went to the VM admin area and tries to make the new user a vendor but was unable to make either a vendor.


Well I hacked the DB and added the default currencies under the _vendors, seems to work - the site is a catalog without any commerce or pricing so I guess this may have fixed it for now.

I am trying to reconfigure the navigation now, and running into problems on that now


You can use virtuemart with different administrators. If you are superadmin and not a vendor you are mapped to the vendor with id 1. Quite simple. There is no synchronisation, vm useres are extended joomla users, NOT own entities.
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