issues with vm2.0.10 and module please help!

Started by zurtkz, September 27, 2012, 19:36:55 PM

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Hi I have searched this forum and read all of the postings on this issue. I have tried to implement all suggestions to no avail.

With the checkout process is an endless loop. This is checking out as a guest user (The client has requested this be the default set up). After I have entered shipping info, and payment info it kicks me back and forth to payment and billing info screens.
In Configuration I have set Checkout fields to (and also tried various combos of this according to additional recommendations):

Display modal popup upon 'Add to cart' -- Off   
Language Javascript Fix- Off
Enable Automatic Selected Shipment? On   
Enable Automatic Selected Payment?    Off
Must agree to Terms of Service on EVERY ORDER? Off   
Show Terms of Service on the cart/checkout? Off   
On checkout, ask for registration Off   
Only registered users can checkout Off   
Show checkout steps    Off
Show product images Off   

Any further help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Also I would like to know if their is a way to set the module as default payment method.


Did you figure this out?  I have the exact same thing 2.0.10 and checkout set up to only use Guest Checkout.  Getting same error message.  Please post what you did to fix it or a link to where you found a fix if you have....pleeeeaaaaasse  :)

Thanks in advance!!