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VM - Custom, customer text input

Started by hajo, August 13, 2012, 14:14:28 PM

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i have a problem with the plugin to get a customer text input.

I activated the plugin. Followed the intructions in

In the cart I do get the text i type as a customer, but no price.

What can it be?

Javascript issue?

I have a problem with fancybox to. Solved with shadowbox.

virtuemart 2.08e and joomla 2.5.6 dutch



First I want to apologize for getting your hopes up about an answer to your question.
'Cause this is just another question that you maybe can help me out with.

The thing is that I can't find the customer text field plugin to activate at all.
But it seems that you have done just that.

Where did you find the plugin?
Because it didn't come with the Virtuemart package I downloaded and I can't seem to find it any ware on the net.

Been Googling like he'll these last days!

Appreciate your help!



I f***ed up!

The appropiate answer to my question would be:
- Read the freaken Installation instruction:

I am a noob - I'am worthless and weak!