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add to cart button not working

Started by uniqueoperator, December 16, 2011, 07:09:47 AM

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One instance of min.js and no_conflict.
Jquery easy enabled.
Jquery VM disabled.
Other Jquery extensions disabled.
Still no add to cart button :-(


I keep on testing.
JQuery easy disabled, disabled each module using Jquery.
VM Jquery enabled.
Nothing changes.
I keep reading that "ReferenceError: Virtuemart is not defined" in the javascript console error. What does it mean?


Make sure you have selected Activate Css Styles & Javascripts (under Activate Css Styles & Javascripts on VM config/templates)

AJAX is not being invoked, maybe try disabling the style changer (md_stylechanger.js)
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


No luck...
Disabled the style changer. That was inherited from the template I modified, but I don't need it.

In the "Activate Css Styles & Javascripts", I have no "Activate Css Styles & Javascripts" flag in it, but each and every flag is enabled:
Using the VirtueMart CSS    
Using the VirtueMart jQuery    
Using the product Scripts    
Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions    
Use external google jQuery library

I also spent an hour disabling and enabling every combination of these, clearing cache and refreshing (no success), but now all are on.

Another issue: it was end 2011 when I installed VM 2.0.0rc2, then updated until 2.0.10 last week. Updated virtuemart aio consequently. In spite of this, my extension manager shows 2.0.0rc2 in every VM module.
Is it a known bug?


On my first test site I looked at with VM2.0.10 the modules show as 2.0.0RC3  - so I don't see that as an issue.

Try turning off the template override you are using - or switch to beez to see if that allows AJAX updating of the cart.
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


No way.
Set up beez_20 with just a category menu.
When I browse the categories and click to a product's details page the add to cart button doesn't work and is shown as a simple button.

I also tried the facebox.js modification reported in this thread, without success:

I really love VM and I hope I'll get through this...

I think I should resolvethat "virtuemart is not defined" in the Ie9 debugger.

Where is the Virtuemart js object defined?
What is not loaded in this page and why?
It cannot be a template issue, as also beez_20 does the same.
I removed each and every override, also.

Extreme measure is to reinstall VM and see if this comes from an update conflict.
Before I do this (takes me a lot of time to set up multilanguage settings): can somebody tell me where does "virtuemart is not defined" come from?



No change.
Anybody can tell me the reason for this error in the debug "Virtuemart is undefined"?


I launched "Renew config by file" and voilà! The add to cart button is there again.  :-\
Now I'm double-checking each and every option.
I'll write again as soon I succeed.


Success!  ;D
The configuration blocking ajax was this:
Virtuemart -> Configuration -> Templates -> Media Files Settings -> General Assets URL

The wrong path was "/"
The right path (for me) is "components/com_virtuemart/assets/"

(for me) [SOLVED]


Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


If you are having trouble with jquery and the add to cart pop up while SSL is on then just add https with every url. Even if its from google library.

FOr me i was using jblibrary plugin, i added a condition in the plugins/system/jblibray/jblibrary.php around line 54:

$https = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on") ? "https": "http";
then around line 83: $https.'://';

line 92: $this->_jqpath = $https.'://'.$jQueryVersion.'/jquery.min.js';


My website has error with button ADD TO CART. After customize website with css of Allrounder v.1.4 template, now button Add to cart dont show popup when I try click. (It updated to Cart but have to refesh page).

When I dont use this template or use another template, popup Add to cart show when I click Add to cart button.

my website:
link Add to Cart:

Please help me fix them. thanks so much.

p/s: FIXED