Admin email not sent for orders with standard payment & no country selected

Started by stawebnice, November 20, 2014, 10:41:21 AM

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I have VM 2.6.10 on Joomla 2.5.27 and I have experienced a bug.

I had two standard payment methods (Cash on Delivery and Advanced payment).
The only difference between those two was that COD had Czech Republic selected in the payment settings. Advanced payment did not have any country selected, so it should have worked for all.

The problem was that the email about a new order was not sent to administrator when AP was selected. Customer received the email> Order xxx is pending
When there was an order for COD, administrator received a notification email and customer received email Confirmation of order no. xxx

Please try it for yourself.


Also, is it normal that the notification email about new registration is sent includes a from address of the first super user (me the webmaster) when there is a new email address set in global configuration of joomla, component / contact , shop settings in VM? it looks weird like this> I am not sure this is not done by design...but it may be wrong when the admin has different domain email than the eshop itself...


You should first update to the latest VM version.
E-mailsetting can be configured. Either to the site's e-mail address or to the e-mailadress of the shop owner.
Are you sure your payment methods have exactly the same configuration?
Check "Order Status for Pending transactions" and check configuration - Checkout settings.


Hi Margriet,

I am talking about default VM settings. This is the latest version of VM.

If you want to sell worldwide, you do not select countries in payment settings in order to enable the payment for them all. Email settings is configured for order states, not for types of payments, as far as I know. And even if you would be able to configure it for payment, I see no reason why the owner of the eshop should not receive all emails about orders no matter what payment type or shipping method is selected. This way my client was not notified about 4 orders and people were complaining...