PayPal Plugin order status and emails not working correctly

Started by nicole2292, November 20, 2011, 10:29:58 AM

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Hi carbon-uk,

Could you just expand on your problem and tell us what you are using to pay.  That is, are you using paypal , what country and if not try and tell us what payment option you are using. Does this happen on only paypal or other cancelled orders.

* Also what versions of software - joomla and VM - .    Does your purchaser have to register on your site to buy a product.   Although Alatak will be able to answer better than I can .

I'm just wondering that if a customer has to register to purchase a product and then cancel.  The computer may still send them an email not because they purchased something but becasue It is trying to tell them their registered password.

* It is a bit like registering at a shop and telling them your phone number and address and then ringing you later to check if its true and them if you do wish to purchase something later - you have a direct line and a password. Even though you bought nothing.  Also It might help you to not set to cancel as you might want to see why they cancelled. I have seen many a sale when the customer does not finalise the purchase- you have their details. You call them and you get a sale.??

Maybe Alatak might solve this another way. 



We have installed joomla 1.5 and virtuemart 2.0.2 version. In this, we are not getting emails after completing the payment from paypal. We have checked with paypal.log file.

It is coming like this.

2012-03-31 07:52:01
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: 911f013

2012-03-31 07:54:01
message: paypal_data 25.00   911f013   Ineligible   confirmed   PBQYW3F2UUJ56   0.00   1 Main St   00:53:53 Mar 31, 2012 PDT   Pending   windows-1252   95131   Test   US   Test User   3.4   kojjovscf5ghpmpko4nu1ocj76   verified   United States   San Jose   1   AVwCMswuun6bg22HFn5Boj-W-nNkAGi9WZXdK02zpOH-hOzIR--Nf5.3   7R191756P52008538   instant   User   CA   unilateral   web_accept   Order Number: 911f013   SGD      US   1   0.00   kojjovscf5ghpmpko4nu1ocj76      0.00   76ac44e3835b1

2012-03-31 07:54:01
message: process IPN

2012-03-31 07:54:01
message: process IPN OK

2012-03-31 07:54:01
message: plgVmOnPaymentNotification return new_status:P

We didnt get the notification related message in our log file. We tracked the code.

plgVmOnPaymentNotification() - this function in plugins/vmpayment/paypal.php is having that mail sending part.

               if (empty($paypal_data['payment_status']) || ($paypal_data['payment_status'] != 'Completed' && $paypal_data['payment_status'] != 'Pending')) {
         //return false;

      $new_status = $this->_getPaymentStatus($method, $paypal_data['payment_status']);

      $this->logInfo('plgVmOnPaymentNotification return new_status:' . $new_status, 'message');

      $modelOrder = VmModel::getModel('orders');

      $order = array();
      $order['order_status'] = $new_status;
      $order['customer_notified'] =1;
      $order['comments'] = JText::sprintf('VMPAYMENT_PAYPAL_PAYMENT_STATUS_CONFIRMED', $order_number);

      $modelOrder->updateStatusForOneOrder($virtuemart_order_id, $order, true);

      $this->logInfo('Notification, sentOrderConfirmedEmail ' . $order_number . ' ' . $new_status, 'message');

      //// remove vmcart

Can you please help on this? We need it very urgently.


nanthakumar ,

Just wondering firstly ? joomla 1.5 as you said you just installed it?

Why not use 2.5.3 Joomla and VM 2.0.2 and beyond?

The forum could spend  a long time answering your question when 1.5 joomla is being phased out.

try updating and then test.


Hi I am running Joomla 2.5.3 with VM 2.0.3.e and I am having also the problem that after successfull PayPal payment, there is not confirmation mail sent to the buyer (with the purchased download file).

My log files looks like this:

2012-03-31 14:35:48
message: plgVmConfirmedOrder order number: fe4d0100

2012-03-31 14:36:19
message: paypal_data 3.66   fe4d0100   Ineligible   UXFWKLZP8SKRY   0.00   07:36:15 Mar 31, 2012 PDT   Pending   windows-1252   Alexander   0.42   3.4   261ebb03467271da39d866cf16870684   verified   1   AuW.w9z8OXNbvAHoOONECsIwtNKNAd4aTwf7bGcYnN6oy2PRVYcr.sYX   3GP808690C022273P   instant   Schuch      YVHTRMD7A3JDE   paymentreview   web_accept   Bestellnummer: fe4d0100   EUR      DE   1   0.00   261ebb03467271da39d866cf16870684      0.00   b60a1a9e1fc1b

2012-03-31 14:36:19
message: process IPN

2012-03-31 14:36:19
message: process IPN OK

2012-03-31 14:36:19
message: plgVmOnPaymentNotification return new_status:P

2012-03-31 14:36:19
message: Notification: emptyCart



Hi there! I have the same issue woth mercado pago payment, I guess its the same than paypal and in both cases I will get the email after payment. I will try that and check it, but I have a very important question here.
I bought a product as a customer on my live site and choosed paypal. I was sent to paypal, saw that was working and left the page to try a real payment later (no time now for all).
Now I have no emails (now I know why) but the order IS on my BE. Good so far. I can see the account on FE for this "customer" and I can see the order pending there. But I cant choose to pay for it after I left paypal the first time. So... If for some reason a customer cant finish the payment part and decide to come back to the shop later to pay and finish the process to buy all the things he already choosed before, he cant. He has to go all over again through the whole process to pay and that is a bit bad for some cases. Lets say I spent half an hour or one hour choosing several gifts for people and when I have to pay the light goes off.... I have to do all of that again? Cant I have a button or link to pay for the order later?
I have the same problem with paypal and mercado pago. Cant seem to get a solution myself so I ask you guys... ideas?

Thank you!!



@Melina, i understand your point.
It is a matter of taste. Some shop owners do not want to have a lot of orders not completed. Others do, like you.
I can add some configuration parameters in the Paypal config to have both options.


Hi! Yes, I would like to have the option for paypal and mercado pago. When a user goes to the account and see the list of orders I would like them to be able to click a pay link or something like that so they can pay an order they already have. Do you think I can do that somehow on my shop?
Not that I want them to have incomplete orders but eventually you can have the electricity out or an urgency or whatever that make them stop and them come back to finish.
Do you think there is a way for me to add that to my shop? I have it all done and I will launch the site this week, just wanted to add that possibility. =) Both plugins (paypal and mercado pago) have the same not getting emails until the payment its done and no option to pay later. I know mercado pago is not your plugin so maybe I think there is a way for me to add some link or something?...


Hi Alatak! Did you find how to solve this? There is many people needing to have some link to pay orders later on account orders list or something like that. I found out I am not the only one. Tried to find a way to do it but cant seem to find it...



mmm thank you, but its not what I need. Lets say you make an order on my shop and when you are about to pay electricity goes out. You cant pay and you get back to it when the electricity is back. By then you can login and see your list of orders on my shop, but you cant pay it so you have to go and do all the process again... its just ridiculous. You can loose many orders like that. electricity out is one of the options. You can be choosing gifts for so long that you didn't see the time and you have to run to a meeting... whatever. As a client you should have the possibility of entering later to your account and pay an order but I cant seem to find a way for people to do that...


Hi this exact issue is has been discussed in DEv forum forum.

You could try your luck pressing the point here-

I do know what  you mean - I think someone will set it up as an extension - it might need a time setting on it too.

Like delete all stored orders after 6 months.?


mmm no, this topic is about not saving cart but in my case the cart is not  problem...


i am using joomla vertion 1.5.20.
for payment i am using paypal in that after success payment order status showing pending,please advice for this the site is in live now



On your order: if you only have one pending status, then it means that your client has not payed.
If he has payed, then you should have twice the "pending" status, in that case, go at the bottom of the page, and check why Paypal has returned a pending status

The best, and that is something we have done for versions > VM2.0.10
is to create a "Confirmed by shopper" status, and to configure in the payment method the parameter "pending status"
Like this there is a difference between "pending orders" which means the order has been created, and "Confirmed by shopper" which means the client has payed, but paypal returned a pending status for some reason.