Front Page products opening in home page with home page modules - SEF prob

Started by scarradice, September 04, 2012, 14:55:38 PM

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I have a special offer category in virtuemart and this is displayed on the front page.  Problem is, I have a slider on the front page as well, and all the special offer products open with the slider in place, whereas other products open without - I know I could use featured products, but I have a very specific layout for my 'browse' pages and can't seem to apply this to the featured product module.  Operating on Joomla 2.5.6 and Virtuemart 2.0.10


I figured it out myself - I'm using sh404sef, and virtuemart doesn't like it.  I deactivated the component for virtuemart and just used joomla router and it seemed to work fine.  My question now is although I have 'add suffix to url' set in config, it doesn't show it for the virtuemart pages?


I feel that is one thing that everyone is susceptible to.