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Downloading products through phpmyadmin into csv - modified PLEASE help!!!

Started by Eternity, August 17, 2012, 15:06:05 PM

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Please could someone help me, I am very frustrated :( I had virtuemart 1.1.4 installed and a friend of mine did a php myadmin download of the products that had been uploaded to the store into csv, he managed to get the following column headings which worked perfectly for me to do a bulk upload of all the products

product_id; vendor_id; product_parent_id; product_sku; product_s_desc; product_desc; product_thumb_image; product_full_image; product_publish; product_weight; product_weight_uom; product_length; product_width; product_height; product_lwh_uom; product_url; product_in_stock; product_available_date; product_availability; product_special; product_discount_id; ship_code_id; cdate; mdate; product_name; product_sales; attribute; custom_attribute; product_tax_id; product_unit; product_packaging; child_options; quantity_options; child_option_ids; product_order_levels

the sheet name in the csv which gives these details is jos_vm_product

I then had to upgrade to virtuemart 2.0.4 and want to get the SAME csv download to upload the products as I lost most of them, and all I have then managed to get the following from the new installation of virtuemart

virtuemart_product_id; virtuemart_vendor_id; product_parent_id; product_sku; product_weight; product_weight_uom; product_length;    product_width; product_height; product_lwh_uom; product_url; product_in_stock; product_ordered; low_stock_notification; product_available_date; product_availability; product_special; product_sales; product_unit; product_packaging; product_params; hits; intnotes; metarobot; metaauthor; layout; published; created_on; created_by; modified_on; modified_by; locked_on; locked_by

the sheet name in the csv is jos_virtuemart_products

Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong, is it even possible to get the first list of table headings in the newer version of virtuemart in ONE csv? 

Thank you


Hi eternity,

QuoteSurely there are people on this forum that are using virtuemart and use php myadmin???

I'm sure there are too... me being one of them.

Your issue however is rather complex? You want to export a VM1 database, not as a 'native' .sql file, but as a .csv file to then import that into a VM2 database as a .csv file? Then back up your VM2 database into a .csv file with the same structure as your original VM1 .csv file, only to import it into yet another upgraded VM2 database as a .csv? ... not possible through PHPMyAdmin. You'll need to write a custom script to do that. Sorry, but I'm at a loss as to why you want to do it this way at all?

There are migration scripts you can use to import VM1 databases into VM2 databases. The migration script will convert and redirect the VM1 data into the appropriate VM2 tables.

Obviously, the reason you're getting different header field outcomes when you output from a VM2 database is because the entire table structure has been optimised and extended.

Just browsing through the tables in PHPMyAdmin would have given you a clear indication that the structure and "header names" (actually column names) are different.

Sorry, but perhaps this is why 30 people viewed your post and gave no reply...



I think you are asking about a migration issue? I think very few people would have migrated that way, if any, as there is a well published method using the migrator built into VM2.

Some people have used CSVi to transfer the database, but they then need to transfer the category and product images & files separately - this takes a lot longer than using the migrator but is closer to what you have attempted to do. ISTR there is mention of this on

In any case if using csv there is really only one tool to use, CSVI
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Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

Please mention your VirtueMart, Joomla and PHP versions when asking a question in this forum


Thank you both.

The main reason why I have to do it this very complicated way is because we moved hosts, in the process of moving hosting we upgraded virtuemart and lost products, so now I just want to copy what I have on the original to the new, but with it being so different I can't, an I really do not have the time to re-upload everything :(  I have everything in the csv from the VM1 because that is how it was uploaded originally, but that csv is not puttin the information in the right places and loses information on VM2, clearly because its all different, but I will try what you say and see if I can get it right.

Because I was using VM1.1.4 and upgraded to VM2.0.4 I was told that the person who helped me do this did a total uninstall and reinstall of VM, so thats why migration is not an option to me?

I am rather new at VM even though I have been trying to get this site live for over a year now ... sorry if I sound like a total retard!

Thanks again for your replies.