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How to show Artikelnumbers in Shopfrontend ( closed )

Started by c0LIn, August 01, 2012, 23:50:51 PM

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Hi guys,

first i wanna say sorry for my bad engl but i will try my best to describe my problem.

Like the Header says i want to show the product-/artikelnumbers in my shop. I've read some older post in the Joomla Forum. The guys there sayed that i have to insert something like "{product_sku}" in the browse_1 file wich is located at
\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\html\temp lates\browse\

after a long search for that file i reconized that was from the joomla 1.0x forum.

so is there a way the get the product-/artikelnumbers shown in the frontend ?

i'm thankful for every post

best regards c0LIn

oh i forgot... i have joomla 2.5 (latest) and VM 2.0.8e


hi c0LIn,

There's a tonne of posts regarding this issue, you only need search.

Here's a topic that was successfully solved.

Good luck.


hey Ivus,

thanks for ur post... i'll have a look at it.

best regards c0LIn

EDIT: Thx ... it helped alot.

also found:

with more nice infos.