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Installation problem for VM 2 on Joomla 2.5

Started by angiesimpsonab, January 12, 2013, 12:07:16 PM

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Hi All,

- Virtuemart 2.0.18a
- PHP 5.3.5
- Joomla 2.5

I had been attempting to install VirtueMart 1.1.5 on Joomla 2.5 when I realized that this was not the latest release. My Joomla manual had provided me with an outdated link. I got an error and in attempting to solve it I discovered the newer releases

Instead of bothering to solve my old error, I went through the process of installing the latest VirtueMart. I got both success screens, but when I attempt to go to the shop I get the following error:

( ! ) Fatal error: Call to undefined method JLanguage::getBackwardLang() in C:\wamp\www\donovan\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\compat.joomla1.5.php on line 78
Call Stack
#   Time   Memory   Function   Location
1   0.0005   384136   {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.1464   5709976   JAdministrator->dispatch( )   ..\index.php:46
3   0.1528   6104960   JComponentHelper::renderComponent( )   ..\application.php:153
4   0.4320   10460320   include_once( 'C:\wamp\www\donovan\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\toolbar.virtuemart.php' )   ..\helper.php:362
5   0.4330   10523632   include( 'C:\wamp\www\donovan\administrator\components\com_virtuemart\compat.joomla1.5.php' )   ..\toolbar.virtuemart.php:30

I am new to VirtueMart, but I hope that my previous failed installation of VirtueMart did not affect my latest installation? I am just running this on my localhost in attempt to get it running but to know avail.

Kind Regards


compat.joomla1.5.php does not exist in VirtueMart 2 - it is a file from VM1.1

You should have removed all 1.1 files from your Joomla installation before trying to install VM2. Suggest you restart with a new clean installation of J2.5.8
Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK

Retired from forum life November 2023

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