#__virtuemart_customs.custom_value needs to be bigger (and a VARCHAR)

Started by OpenGlobal, June 03, 2012, 13:37:25 PM

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I'm running into the same problem I've experienced many times on VM1.1. A custom field (product type in VM1.1) cannot hold enough list values because the database field is only 255 long.

I've also noticed that this is a CHAR instead of a VARCHAR, why is this? Why does it need the fixed character length of CHAR?

In order to store any reasonable list in the custom field "default" input, the custom_value column of this table should probably be something like VARCHAR(65535). As a minimum I'd say VARCHAR(4095).

Or even better "TEXT".

Is there any reason why this is so limiting? I have to manually edit the database for all of my clients to make this column bigger so that we can add the Google Categories as a custom field list.

Any chance this might be changed?
