Problems calculating costprice from final price - with %-discount after TAX

Started by Genius WebDesign, May 25, 2012, 11:50:19 AM

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Genius WebDesign


In my setup I have different kinds of discounts. "- a set number" and "- %" both set as modifiers after TAX.

The specific problem that I experience can be explained with this example:

I have made two discount rules; "- 300,-" and "-25%" - both as modifier after TAX.
I apply the "-25%" - discount to the product. Then I set final price to "699", mark the "Calculate the costprice" and click "save", then the final price = 629,1 and the base and costprice = 838.8
If I remove the  "-25%" - discount and replace it with the "- 300,-" discount and follow the same steps as above, then the final price = 699 and the base and costprice = 999

Am I doing something wrong or is this some kind of bug? I would think that no matter if the discount is a "%" or a number that the final price should they the same as the original price-input when you mark the "Calculate the costprice" box and hit save..

I hope someone can clarify this.

Btw. I´m using Joomla 2.5 and VM 2.0.6



I have a little trouble following your example (I think others did too since nobody has replied to you) but if you are doing the test right, it does seem like you could have found a bug.

Please make sure you are doing your test right, and if so, report in the bugs section.

Answer is probably from my VirtueMart 2 User Manual ebook, includes FREE updates. FREE Admin Menu Cheatsheet, Quick Install Guide & 30-Minute Quick Setup Guide



how i see this you have two rules both discount and your final price does not add up?

how i understand it is one of the calculations is canceling the other one,tell me if i'm wrong you want to see the final price with a discount (witch is -25%).

tell me what the cost price is of your product and how much profit you want and how much discount you want I will work it out for you.

Genius WebDesign

To clarify this I will here explain exactly which rules I have applied and what I do in the backend of Virtuemart on a specific product:

I have the following rules applied;

1. As a "tax per product" I have +25% rule called "moms" (this is according to the Danish tax called "moms"). This rule is affecting all my products.
2. As a "Price modifier after tax" I have -25%  rule called "save 25%". This rule is assigned to an unpublished category, called "25% discount" which I can then apply to the products I want later. I of course dont want the 25% discount to be applied to all of my products..

With these two calculation rules I now go to a specific product.
Under "Pricing rules overrides" I have "Tax Affecting: Moms" (which is the +25% Danish moms rule). This works as intended.
I now apply the category "save 25%" to the product, I set the Final price to 7950 (which is the price i want to sell this particular product for), I mark the "Calculate the costprice" box and click "save"
Now the Final Price ends up as the number "7155" both in back-end and front-end..

If I remove the "save 25%" category from the product and replace it with a "save 1000,-" category which is tied to a "Price modifier after tax"  -1000  rule, then the Final sales price ends up the way I want it to, when I click "save".

So what I experience is that two similar rules, one with % and one with an amount, act differently when using the "Calculate the costprice" function.. Somehow the %-discount changes Final Price even though I have marked "calculate the costprice" before saving.

I hope this explains things a little better.

Genius WebDesign

I havent tested the 2.0.7 yet, so maybe this has changed.
When everything is said and done this is actually not the biggest problem I have, because in everyday use I normally use amounts as discount, which works fine, and it can make the discount, baseprice and sales price end with nice numbers.

The biggest problem/issue I have is that there is no way to "lock" the cost price while setting a specific final price.
As I wrote in another post, under suggestions, I really would like to have a "calculate baseprice" function as well as the "calculate costprice" function.
Link to the post:

Normally it is nice to have the cost price reflect the price I, as a vendor, pay for a product, and I want to be able to type in that amount and have it locked, no matter what Final price I decide type in and what types of price modifiers I choose to apply to the base and sales price.