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Can't install...even after changing to zip...[SOLVED]

Started by operapixie, May 30, 2012, 01:56:53 AM

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Very frustrated right now.  Been trying to install VM2 on a fresh install of Joomla 2.5. I did read several places that if you're having issues like this (Connection had to be reset - after the system chews on the file for awhile), to extract the files, then put them into a new archive with a zip extension.  I've done this, to no avail.

Using PHP v 5.2.17 and an Apache/2 web server

Please help!

Thanks in advance.

~Laura Sage


Ok, I was able to get it installed, but for anyone else having the same problem, and not having luck changing the file type to .zip, here's what I had to do:

1. Upload via FTP, the two resulting folders from having unzipped the original files (in other words, com_virtuemart.2.0.6 and com_virtuemart.2.0.6_ext_aio) to your root/tmp directory.
2. Instead of using the automatic extension installer, go to the next item down (Install from directory), and add the folder name for the first set to the path, and click "Install".

Once it's installed you can delete those folders from the tmp directory.

It worked for me, maybe it'll work for you.
